Saturday, January 17, 2009


Just got a note from a friend of mine who was asking me about "...some story chapters you had linked to me, like "Unintended Consequences" but more about the militia..."

My friend, you are referring to Absolved, a novel in the works, by Mike B Vanderboegh. The MBV III of Sipsey Street fame. Hopefully as I type this, a post is going up on Sipsey Street that the book is finished, and will be in print by the time I get out of bed in the morning... Until the book is published, fear not, you can read excerpts.

The Chapter List for Absolved (Thanks to David Codrea).

and a link to MBV III's Blog at the Sipsey Street Irregulars.

Happy to Help!

PS - and as a side note, for those who haven't read "Unintended Consequences", by John Ross, please go purchase a copy! It can be purchased at Accurate Press for $28.95 - and it is worth every penny.

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